
Personal (To A Healthy & Better Life)

It's taken me a while to finally jump on the wagon with my health and fitness since college soccer ended. I was pretty active my whole life and recently my body has been screaming at me, telling to fix myself before it was to late mentally.

My husband and I have been watching a lot of Extreme Weight Loss with Chris Powell. He is truly a motivator and such a genuine personal trainer. And I can tell you it would be a lot easier for me to get in shape with him pushing me to work harder :) 

I know with my recent lifestyle change, it has been a big factor to my weight gain. 
- First off, I got married & moved away from home and my favorite gym. 
- Not only did I get married, I got married to a farmer, so I've been really supportive of him.
- My photography business has been skyrocketing. I've been working and traveling so much! 
- I hate cooking, and now that I'm married and moved out of my wonderful parent's house, I don't have healthy dinner in front of me anymore.
- I have to look up recipes and actually teach myself to cook. 
- I don't have my League soccer team to play with anymore. 
- And I had just stopped focusing on me. I have someone else to take care of also. 

I'm sure there is more, but I'll stop making excuses :) 

My husband has been very supportive of me with my lifestyle change. He is very fit himself. He's about 6'0 and 190 lbs, but he just doesn't have to work at it as hard. And one thing that is a huge difference between the two of us, he LOVES veggies, and I well.... I HATE them. 
But yes I know I need to eat them. 

So I've been eating the Paleo/Primal lifestyle and I love it. I don't miss the grains, or sugary junk. I've invested in an amazing road bike that I purchased from Greenies. And I'm ready to start focusing on me. I've been feeling better and have had a ton more energy for my workouts. One day I hope to get into Crossfit. We have a gym here and I want to give that a try. I've been working out with the soccer girls that I coach and that's even been helping. 

So here's to a better and healthier life. I'm ready to continue this journey and get in the best shape of my life! 

My new ride :) 

 Paleo lettuce wrap burgers

My wonderful supportive Husband 

Some of the best times of my life :) 

My girls team that I coach now :) One of the best things I've ever decided to do.


  1. Proud of you girlie! I am on the same type of journey. You will get there & it's wonderful that you have a supportive husband!

    1. It really does help with him by my side encouraging me :)
