
Rodriguez Wedding, Tri-Cities, WA Wedding Photographer


has got to be, hands down, the most EXCITED bride I’ve worked with in 2013! Roxy's excitement for her wedding day is just amazing!  When I arrived on the big day, she was surrounded by her best friends in a hotel room that smelled of hairspray and perfume. Hair was being curled, makeup was being applied and so on! Roxy was the little girl dreaming of her wedding day and now it was finally here!!

As Diego promised to love her through the amazing seasons of their life and the tough seasons, Roxy squeezed his hands and was all smiles, even through her tears of joy. Roxy promised to love and care for Diego forever. :) Their ceremony was beautiful and powerful. I love seeing older couples holding hands while they are watching another young couple promise forever to one another. It was a wonderful reminder that we were made for this. Marriage is such a beautiful thing and I couldn’t be happier for these two and their new journey together!

Beautiful girls! 


Hunter & Molly, Tri-Cities Children Photographer

Can you say cutest kids ever!? Yes I am aware that they are related to me, but I just can't help it!
I'm sure everyone agrees ;) 

Pixlee Sisters, Ephrata WA Portrait Photographer

I had such a blast capturing these two! They are twins and just too much fun!